Super Easy way to show most selling products

Increase and boost your average sales by doing cross-promotional activities of the products which are getting sold maximum on your Online Store. Divert the mind of the customers who are just looking around the online store as a window shopper and convince them to go for purchase.

  • Display popular and best-selling products in a slider form.
  • Display slider at a location of your choice and keep reminding users to give a thought for making a purchase.
  • Facility to allow users to select and buy the product from the image slider itself.

Increase Brand Value and Grow Sales

Highlighting the most popular products for the store eventually results in increasing brand value and helps to improve product preference and sales conversion rates. Our app helps to maintain and show the statistics of the purchased products.

  • Store Owners can show how many times products have been viewed, providing graphically google analytics results.
  • Facility to see full desription of products incase customer gets confused at last moment.
  • Decide on number of products to show at once in the image slider and formatting options like deciding border style, colors, etc.